Public Previews start January 7th!

Register now to be one of the first to visit us at our new home.

Learn More

Today’s Hours

Tuesday: Closed


100 Kellogg Ln 
London, ON N5W 0B4

Play Happens Here!

London Children’s Museum curates powerful play experiences. Here, children lead the way - building curiosity, confidence, and connections that last a lifetime.


Eight hands-on exhibits immerse visitors in new worlds and unleash opportunities for unforgettable learning.

Public Previews

The wait is over: Get ready to explore our new home!

Member Previews

Members Only: Register for upcoming member preview days!

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for programs & events in our new home at 100 Kellogg Lane!

Visitors must register for public previews. Register now!

Visitors must register for public previews. Register now!

Visitors must register for public previews. Register now!

Visitors must register for public previews.Register now!

Visitors must register for public previews.Register now!

Visitors must register for public previews. Register now!

Visitors must register for public previews.Register now!

Visitors must register for public previews. Register now!


From field trips to birthday parties - there are so many ways to experience the London Children's Museum!

Birthday Parties

As we prepare to move to our new home at 100 Kellogg Lane, birthday party bookings are currently paused. Please check back soon for information on scheduling your party.

Day Camp

London Children’s Museum day camps include play-based learning, real museum artifacts, gallery exploration, and outdoor activities.


The London Children’s Museum celebrates the uniqueness of every child. We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment that supports children of different ages, abilities, and interests
Girl smiles
unlock unlimited adventures
london children's museum logo
